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June 28, 2021

Research Roundup: Tech hub to boost African vaccine access, UK launches trial on ivermectin, and FDA authorizes saliva-based antibody test

In this regular feature on Breakthroughs, we highlight some of the most interesting reads in global health research from the past week.

June 21, 2021

Gender issues must not be an afterthought in global health research

A quick glance at the historical trajectory of malaria research reveals that it has been embedded in a larger context of gender bias in medical research. During the clinical development of most new medicines, including antimalarial drugs, pregnant people are actively excluded from trials. Fortunately, there is now growing determination within the malaria community to rectify gender-related data gaps.

January 19, 2021

Research Roundup: J&J releases interim vaccine data, African Union secures 270 million vaccine doses, and experts affirm need for next-generation vaccines

In this regular feature on Breakthroughs, we highlight some of the most interesting reads in global health research from the past week.

January 5, 2021

Six issues to watch in US global health R&D policy in 2021

2021 is shaping up to be an extraordinarily consequential year for US policy for global health and medical research, as a new presidential administration and Congress take charge against the backdrop of a global pandemic that has killed 1.6 million people worldwide and set back decades of progress in global health. As 2021 begins, here are some of the top policy issues GHTC will be tracking.