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August 2, 2016

The potential, the pitch, and the prize: Innovators compete to save maternal and newborn lives

During the pitches at the Saving Lives at Birth DevelopmentXChange, the questions being asked were not how large the market, but how great the need, and not how much money can be made, but how many lives could be saved.

July 31, 2016

Research Roundup: Placenta-on-a-chip, nasal bacteria against MRSA, and an experimental yellow fever vaccine

In this regular feature on Breakthroughs, we highlight some of the most interesting reads in global health research from the past week.

June 6, 2016

Research Roundup: Diagnostics for malaria, premature birth, and women’s health

In this regular feature on Breakthroughs, we highlight some of the most interesting reads in global health research from the past week.

January 24, 2016

Research Roundup: an Ebola vaccine, stillbirths, and antimicrobial R&D

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, signed an advanced purchase commitment, pledging to spend US$5 million on an Ebola vaccine currently under development by pharmaceutical company Merck & Co.