IIA Nominations - Open

Celebrating Partnerships & Policymakers driving Global Health Innovation

GHTC has opened nominations for our 2024 Innovating for Impact Awards. Now in its eighth year, this initiative recognizes the research partnerships and US policymakers that help transform breakthrough scientific research into lifesaving drugs, diagnostics, vaccines, and other health tools for unmet global health challenges.

Awards are presented annually in two categories:

Click one of the awards buttons below to view eligibility criteria and begin the nomination process.

Innovating for Impact Partnership Award

Honors an innovative research and development (R&D) partnership, supported by the US government, that brings together industry, government, nonprofits, academia, or other partners to advance a high-impact, game-changing global health technology.

Nomination Criteria and Eligibility

  • Partnership must be specifically designed to develop, advance, and bring to scale an urgently needed drug, diagnostic, vaccine, or other tool for an unmet global health need.
  • Tool advanced through the partnership must be high impact, or have the potential for high impact, on the unmet global health need or target population.
  • Partnership must include two or more entities from different sectors (i.e., government agency, nonprofit, academic institution, private industry, etc.) and must have received federally funded research support or in-kind support from a US government agency.
  • Innovation must address a historically neglected disease, an emerging infectious disease, or another critical health challenge in low-resource settings worldwide.
  • Representatives from the partnership must be willing to be featured in content created for the awards (video, event, etc.). Time commitment will be minimal.
Partnership Award Nomination Form

Please fill out the questions below. * denotes a required response

Nominator Information

Nominee Information

Innovating for Impact Congressional Champion Award

Honors two US members of Congress whose actions have strengthened political will and advanced US efforts to develop technologies to fight the world’s most challenging diseases and health conditions.

Nomination Criteria and Eligibility

  • Nominee must be a sitting member of the US Congress.
  • Honoree must be willing to deliver acceptance remarks for the award.
Congressional Champion Award Nomination Form

Please fill out the questions below. * denotes a required response

Nominator Information

Nominee Information

The submission deadline is Wednesday, July 31, 2024. Anyone is eligible to submit nominations, and self-nominations are welcome. Click below for additional details about our selection process and answers to frequently asked questions.

  • Selection Process & Other FAQs
    • Honorees will be editorially selected by a committee of leaders from the global health and research communities.
    • Honorees will be recognized in early December 2024 at an event in Washington, DC.
    • Organizations and/or individuals are not limited in the number of nominations they submit.
    • Self-nominations are welcome. Nominator name/details are hidden from the selection committee as part of the selection process. This information is only collected in case there are technical issues with receipt of the nomination that require follow-up.
    • All nomination materials submitted will become the property of GHTC which organizes the Innovating for Impact Awards.

Our 2024 Awards Selection Committee

Dr. Tom Inglesby
Dr. Tom Inglesby

Director, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security

Dr. Nancy Messonnier
Dr. Nancy Messonnier

Dean and Bryson Distinguished Professor in Public Health, University of North Carolina Gillings School of Global Pubic Health

Dr. Kristie Mikus
Dr. Kristie Mikus

Executive Director, Global Health Technologies Coalition

Dr. Izukanji Sikazwe
Dr. Izukanji Sikazwe

CEO, Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia

Dr. William Steiger
Dr. William Steiger

Public Policy Fellow, Wilson Center

Meet our Past Honorees

Senator Sherrod Brown
Sherrod Brown

Congressional Champion Award

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Senator Todd Young
Todd Young

Congressional Champion Award

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Senator John Boozman
John Boozman

Congressional Champion Award

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Senator Patty Murray
Patty Murray

Congressional Champion Award

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Partnership Award

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Congresswoman Anna Eshoo
Anna Eshoo

Congressional Champion Award

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Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart
Mario Diaz-Balart

Congressional Champion Award

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Senator Roy Blunt
Roy Blunt

Congressional Champion Award

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Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro
Rosa DeLauro

Congressional Champion Award

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Congressman Tom Cole
Tom Cole

Congressional Champion Award

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Senator Chris Coons
Chris Coons

Congressional Champion Award

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