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August 27, 2017

What do the near eradication of polio, a halving of child deaths in the past two decades, and the transformation of AIDS from a death sentence to a treatable condition all have in common? They resulted from new global health innovations and the partnerships and policies that made their creation possible! Who are the drivers of these global health breakthroughs? And how are research partnerships and political will for global health research and development (R&D) essential to delivering innovative, game-changing drugs, vaccines, diagnostics and other tools that save lives around the world?

The Global Health Technologies Coalition (GHTC) is leading a new Innovating for Impact Awards initiative to celebrate the research partnerships and political champions that help transform breakthrough scientific research into lifesaving drugs, diagnostics, vaccines, and other health tools for devastating, unmet global health challenges.

GHTC has launched a call for nominations for these awards, which will be open until September 20, 2017.

Awards will be presented in two categories:
  • The PARTNERSHIP AWARD will celebrate an innovative research and development (R&D) partnership that brings together industry, government, nonprofits, academia, or other partners to advance a high-impact and game-changing global health technology. At least one partner must be a US-based organization.
  • The CONGRESSIONAL CHAMPION AWARD will honor two US Members of Congress whose actions have strengthened political will and advanced US efforts to develop technologies to fight the world’s most challenging diseases and health conditions.
Awardees will be editorially selected by a committee of leaders from the global health and research communities. Honorees will be celebrated at a recognition event in Washington, DC before an audience of policymakers, US government officials, media, and leaders of the global health and medical research communities.