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June 27, 2017

Today, 33 leading global health organisations and members of national parliaments have issued an open letter to G20 heads of state, calling for them to increase the prioritization of health by the G20, and establish the G20 as a permanent global health policy forum.

The letter calls for heads of state to continue the strong focus on research and development (R&D) to address critical challenges like emerging and drug-resistant infectious diseases. The signatories also encourage G20 leaders to include the conclusions of the inaugural Health Minister’s declaration in next week’s declaration of the G20 Heads of State Communique in Hamburg.

Given the growing risk to humanity the letter urges leaders to increase financial and political support for global health R&D, and to encourage private sector and philanthropic organisations to accelerate addressing anti-microbial resistance, pandemic preparedness and poverty related neglected diseases.


“I fully endorse the G20 Leaders’ decision to place Global Health Innovation on the G20 agenda. We must prioritise AMR R&D in key pathogens such as HIV, TB, Malaria, and NTDs–moving forward.”Jeremy Lefroy MP, UK Member of Parliament, Chair of the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank and International Monetary Fund

“The G20 gives developing countries more power and coordination in managing the global economy. We welcome their decision to place Global Health Innovation and critical issues like antimicrobial resistance in malaria, TB and HIV on the agenda. In doing so, the G20 is making a powerful statement that they intend to address the full range of issues that affect world economies – a critical step forward for global health and wealth.” – David Reddy, CEO MMV


“At a time when global health challenges—like antimicrobial resistance and emerging infectious diseases—are on the rise, it is critical that G20 nations join together to make sure we have the vaccines, medicines, and other tools in hand to address current as well as future health crises.” Jamie Bay Nishi, Director, Global Health Technologies Coalition

“The medical technology industry is committed to the fight against AMR, which is a global public health issue in need of global leadership. MedTech Europe would welcome G20 support in the uptake of medical technologies that have a great potential to prevent the misuse and overuse of antibiotics throughout the patient pathway.” – MedTech Europe

Chancellor Angela Merkel has put global health at the heart of her government’s G20 Presidency. This momentum must be built on, with the G20 becoming a permanent forum for ministerial dialogue and action on global health policy, starting with next year’s Argentinian presidency.


Notes to Editor:
Further information about Global Health Innovation Event:
  • The “Research for Impact and the G20: How can global health innovation drive sustainable development?” roundtable event, held on Friday, April 28th 2017, at the Quadriga Forum in Berlin, Germany was organized by Sovereign Strategy and co-hosted with the following organizations: the Global Alliance for TB Drug Development (TB Alliance), Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV), the Sabin Vaccine Institute, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health), the Global Health Technologies Coalition (GHTC), the Global Health Innovative Technology (GHIT) Fund, UNITAID, and CARB-X.
  • The one-day roundtable event involved opening and closing speeches, two sessions of moderated roundtable discussions, presentations on the G20 priority foci of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and pandemic preparedness, the B20 and its health initiative as well as the current project, its “Call to Action” (CTA) output document, and discussions on how to carry it forward.
  • The stated objective was to create a platform for cooperation and policy advocacy for an open and unique coalition of organizations following the declaration of the G20 Health Ministers and leading up to the G20 Hamburg Summit.
  • The roundtable discussions are summarized in the Rapporteur’s Report.
  • Over 100 public and private health stakeholders backed four recommendations agreed the roundtable in a “Call to Action”, published ahead of the G20 Health Ministers summit.