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May 21, 2021

G20 commitments on health research are a welcome start, but fail to define specifics

GHTC statement on the Rome Declaration from the G20 Global Health Summit.

April 19, 2021

Member states must strengthen WHO and the global R&D architecture to meet urgent health challenges

GHTC statement in advance of the World Health Organization (WHO) inaugural forum with non-state actors.

March 22, 2021

With pandemic at turning point, G20 must act to ensure equitable access to innovations and prevent future threats

As the G20 Health Working Group meets next this Thursday and Friday, GHTC urges them to prioritize several actions to bolster R&D to defeat COVID-19, mitigate its impacts, and combat other long-standing and emerging threats.

March 11, 2021

Seeking a Path Forward in a Post-Pandemic World, New Report Reveals How the U.S. Can Renew its Leadership in Global Health R&D

The U.S. Congress and Biden-Harris administration have a clear opportunity to supercharge global R&D in the wake of a pandemic that has revealed both the sector’s chronic neglect and amazing potential, according to a detailed agency-by-agency action plan released today by GHTC.