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September 28, 2021

GHTC highlights role of innovation in defeating NTDs in the Guardian

GHTC Director Jamie Bay Nishi was interviewed as part of a Mediaplanet campaign on neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) that was featured in the Guardian.

September 3, 2021

GHTC director quoted on COVID-19 investments in Middle East news outlet

GHTC's director Jamie Bay Nishi was quoted on the need for more investment by the G20 in the international COVID-19 response in the Middle Eastern news outlet Arab News.

August 31, 2021

Financial Times features letter on COVID-19 vaccine equity signed by GHTC director

A letter signed by several leading global experts, including GHTC director Jamie Bay Nishi, calling for world leaders to convene a global summit on pandemic preparedness at the United Nations General Assembly and increase COVID-19 vaccine donations was featured in the Financial Times.

June 28, 2021

Global Health Council features recap blog from GHTC on WHA and G7

Global Health Council featured a blog co-authored by GHTC Multilateral Policy Officer Philip Kenol summarizing outcomes for the 74th World Health Assembly and G7 Summit.