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December 11, 2011

The Hill publishes op-ed by GHTC director

In an op-ed in The Hill, GHTC Director Kaitlin Christenson, along with Jim Connoly, President and CEO of Aeras, and Dr. Mel Spigelman, President and CEO of TB Alliance, express concerns about declining funding for global health R&D. They argue that with more products entering late-stage development, it is critical that governments continue to invest to get these products across the finish line.

November 6, 2011

GlobalPost features GHTC video series asking why Americans should care about global health R&D

With Secretary of State Hillary Clinton poised to deliver a major speech on HIV/AIDS later this week, GlobalPost features clips from GHTC's video series in which prominent Americans are asked why they think Americans should care about global health R&D.

September 13, 2011

GHTC director highlights infectious disease threat in The Hill op-ed

In response to the release of the movie Contagion, which chronicles a fictitious global disease pandemic, GHTC Director Kaitlin Christenson writes in The Hill about the real world threat of infectious diseases and the critical importance of investing in the development of new vaccines, diagnostics, drugs, and other health tools to counter these threats.

September 6, 2011

GHTC director quoted in Nature article on US budget cuts

Nature examines the impact of the passage of the US Budget Control Act, which will usher in cuts to US global health funding. GHTC Director Kaitlin Christenson is quoted, noting that these cuts could slow or halt momentum in developing critically needed global health technologies.