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June 2019

Global Health Innovation at USAID: Accelerating the Journey to Self-Reliance

Examines how the US Agency for International Development’s (USAID) investments in global health innovation are an essential enabler in accelerating partner countries along the journey to self-reliance and explores challenges and opportunities the agency faces in advancing this work, providing actionable recommendations the Administration and Congress to maximize the impact of its health R&D activities.

November 2018

Child-Friendly TB Medicines: 2018 Partnership Award

Video introducing the partnership that developed child-friendly tuberculosis (TB) medicines as GHTC’s 2018 Innovating for Impact Partnership Award honoree. This partnership was led by TB Alliance with critical contributions from the US Agency for International Development, Unitaid, and other partners.

November 2018

Cong. Rosa DeLauro: 2018 Congressional Champion Award

Video introducing Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro as recipient of GHTC’s 2018 Innovating for Impact Congressional Champion Award, honoring a Congressional policymaker who has strongly championed global health R&D.

November 2018

Sen. Roy Blunt: 2018 Congressional Champion Award

Video introducing Senator Roy Blunt as recipient of GHTC’s 2018 Innovating for Impact Congressional Champion Award, honoring a Congressional policymaker who has strongly championed global health R&D.

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