Achieving a bold vision for global health: Policy solutions to advance global health R&D

GHTC’s seventh annual policy report, Achieving a bold vision for global health: Policy solutions to advance global health R&D, draws on the momentum of the new global goals, challenging US policymakers to match a bold vision for global health with a bold vision to advance global health research and development (R&D).
It documents how past US investment and goal setting have delivered enormous gains in global health over the past fifteen years, but underscores that despite great process, work remains unfinished and significant challenges persist in tackling decades-old and emerging health challenges. The report highlights the need to intensify support for global health R&D to produce the next generation of health tools needed to finish the job and ensure healthy lives for all.
In the report, GHTC recommends specific policy actions the US government can take to support strong R&D investment, improve coordination, and strengthen regulatory pathways to accelerate development of urgently-needed tools to tackle existing and emerging health challenges, meet global health goals, and prepare today for the epidemics of tomorrow.