Healthy Nations, Sustainable Economies: How Innovation Can Better Ensure Health For All
This report, authored by the G20 Health & Development Partnership, calls on G20 Heads of Government and Ministers to elevate health on the G20 agenda and prioritize investments in health innovation to deliver on the vision of health for all.
The report looks at concrete examples and case studies of successful models, partnerships, mechanisms, and financing approaches that have accelerated the development and scale-up of global health technologies and system innovations, and provides recommendations to G20 policymakers that if implemented would increase momentum in global health innovation and strengthen the health and economies of all nations, whether high-, middle-, or low-income.
Members of the partnership include: GHTC, TB Alliance; Medicines for Malaria Venture; the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations; the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations; PATH; The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; mPedigree; Unitaid; the Global Health Innovation Technology Fund; Novartis; African Risk Capacity; Johnson & Johnson; Bugworks; Lombard Odier; the International Finance Facility for Immunisation; FIND; Development Media International; and Ending Pandemics, with academic support from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard Kennedy School, and Columbia University.