The World Health Organization (WHO) prequalification (PQ) process assesses the quality, safety, and efficacy of medical products for priority diseases and conditions. At the end of 2023, WHO announced plans to significantly improve the PQ website and add functionality to facilitate the PQ process. However, despite these promises, the website is missing some essential resources across all six PQ product streams, and some of the announced website revisions have not been implemented. GHTC developed this scorecard to review and analyze which updates are complete, what is still in progress, and where the PQ program is still falling short.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Is the PQ program defining, achieving, and publicly reporting on KPIs? This includes metrics such as number of products prequalified annually, time for assessment, and number of collaboratively registered products.The WHO PQ team established and publicly shared KPIs for 2023 to 2025 and published a 2023 progress report on whether it met these KPIs, which showed that most (45/62 or 73%) KPIs across product streams had been met in 2023.
The establishment, review, and regular reporting of KPIs is critical to ensuring that the WHO PQ program is rigorously monitoring performance, identifying areas for improvement, and strengthening transparency and accountability for stakeholders, including manufacturers, researchers, and WHO member states. These actions demonstrate WHO’s commitment to improving effectiveness and adapting to evolving global health challenges.
Although all KPIs are listed for the In Vitro Devices (IVD) product stream, only half (5/10) of its KPIs were met in 2023. The 2023 KPI report explains that the capacity of WHO and manufacturers was significantly negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and that WHO’s prioritization of emergency use listing assessments delayed PQ processes.
Product Pipeline
Does WHO publish a list of products currently undergoing PQ assessment? Does it indicate the products’ status in the process, are relevant product details provided, and has it been recently updated?Product Dossiers
Does the WHO PQ program provide quality guidance and resources to assist applicants in preparing product dossiers and set clear expectations regarding the process? Do guidance documents exist, and do they include dossier examples or templates? Is the information comprehensive, understandable, and functional?Dossier preparation guidance for the IMD product stream is available, comprehensive, and functional compared to other product streams. The WHO PQ site offers comprehensive information on submitting a dossier for IMD products, with clear details, functional hyperlinks, and relevant example dossiers. Manufacturers seeking to submit IMD dossiers have ample resources to do so via the WHO PQ site.
The IVD pre-submission form page offers a guidance document for manufacturers with clear steps. However, example dossiers or templates are not provided, and there are some inconsistencies in PQ process terminology, which may confuse product developers. For example, the IVD dossier preparation information is posted under the “Pre-Submission Form” information rather than “product dossier.” Under the “Pre-Submission Form,” the IVD product stream lists a comprehensive guidance document.
The Medicines product stream offers substantial information about the PQ process through many guidance documents and templates, including example dossiers. This product stream has two types of products, and dossier preparation materials are available for both product types.*
*The Medicines product stream comprises two forms of Medicines: Finished Pharmaceutical Products (FPPs) and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs). An API can be used in the manufacturing of an FPP, for which dossier guidance documents are also provided.
Dossier preparation guidance for the Vaccines product stream is available, comprehensive, and functional compared to other product streams. The WHO PQ site offers comprehensive information on submitting a dossier for Vaccine products, with details, functional hyperlinks, example dossiers, and clear deadlines for dossier submission. Manufacturers seeking to submit Vaccine dossiers have ample resources to do so via the WHO PQ site.
Usually, inspections are carried out in connection with a prequalification application (e.g., product dossier) and do not require their own individual dossier.
PQ Product/Process Milestones
Does the WHO PQ program publish a comprehensive and updated list of prequalified products for each product stream as applicable? Does it include data about the different PQ process milestones, such as when dossiers were submitted?The WHO PQ program provides complete lists of prequalified products across all product streams, including Immunization Devices, In Vitro Devices, Medicines, Vaccines, and Vector Control Products, as well as finalized inspection reports under the Inspection Services stream.
Is the new externally facing platform, ePQS, for processing PQ materials for each product stream implemented, and what sort of functionality does it offer?The ePQS portal promises to enhance transparency and functionality to help facilitate the PQ process for applicants. It is also meant to increase efficiency within WHO through its proposed resources and tools. However, the delays in its release raise concerns about its timely implementation and effectiveness. Continued evaluation of the WHO’s ePQS commitments, outlined below, will be crucial to assess the actual impact and usability of the portal in improving PQ procedures.
Earlier this year, WHO listed several commitments related to the ePQS portal’s release, including establishing a single repository for applications, sharing out process-related milestones with manufacturers, and improving the dossier submission process on the PQ website. A single repository will improve access and management of dossier submissions across product streams. Listing process-related milestones, captured in greater detail, improve alignment and reporting of KPIs. Commitments to improve the dossier submission process include sharing dossier applications and options for electronic Common Technical Document submissions.
Information current as of September 2024.